Sunday, June 24, 2007

Also That We Shall Note: In Fact Externally

Also that we shall note: in fact Externally usurer Chakyrbaj, - and five its(his) sons - wild boars, Derided forever , lived much more richly, much more magnificently, than (slighted, by the way, and stupid(blunt) officials already at Soviet Authorities). Each of them guzzled in three throats and owned extensive , and Each of them sufficed, seized, got everything, that was on its(his) forces and To opportunities. Here two opposite models of the person, here two ways Mankinds: one - in a precipice self-valuable , another - uphill Self-improvement, self-development, self-disclosings, self-realization for the good of To itself and people. - a clear beacon ahead. It(he), , one of those it is dazzling bright sparks which fly from the past in The present to shine(cover) to us road to the future to disseminate novel Gloom ahead. Having eyes - yes will see. The having reason - yes will understand. Thanks of mother the Nature that has created such light soul that To explain to us, in what meaning of the life human! (the Strong applause.

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