Thursday, June 14, 2007

But Besides, It(she) Represents The Whole Drugstore Of

But besides, it(she) represents the whole drugstore of other vitamins: Vitamin P, vitamins B1 and B3, a nicotinic acid, provitamin A, Provitamin B, vitamin K and much, many other things. In its(her) external green Leaves, and in the earliest cabbage especially, the same contains folic Acid which is necessary for normal . However, juice from Than fresh cabbage is much more effective, as cooking a folic acid Destroys. Doctors-homeopathists know, that in cabbage exists also magnificent vitamin U. The mineral structure of cabbage hardly probable is not similar To the list repeating the table of Mendeleyev: , sodium, calcium, iron, Iodine, fluorine, silicon, zinc, copper, pine forest, etc. In connection with recent conversation about To undesirability of an overabundance of table salt in our organism follows To notice, that salts in cabbage contains more, than salts of sodium, Therefore the cabbage is useful and , and to hypertensive persons, and as The parameter of -alkaline balance (pH) in cabbage is neutral, it(she) It is extremely favorable for patients with the raised(increased) acidity.

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