Saturday, July 14, 2007

Here The Letter "I" At The Lion Thick

Here the letter "I" at the Lion Thick in "Alphabet": has planted(put) The old man an apple-tree, and children speak: " While the apple-tree will grow, you, the father, will die "." Well Also what? - I answer .-shall die, there will be others, and the apple-tree will bring apples It(Him). " And before the Lion Thick or simultaneously with it(him) remarkable Russian Philosophers Nikolay Fedorov, Vladimir Solovev, Paul Florensky transferred(carried) Principle of mutual goodwill of people to each other in higher A number(line) of the world love, lifting this law on a biospace level. And here Now, right at the end of this section, I leave on practical recommendations. They are rather effective - similarly to that contained in the stenogram Performances(Statements) on an atmosphere of goodwill, but demand greater(big) efforts for The realization as mean collective actions. An essence in that, That some kind of should be created everywhere: small and greater(big) Communities, groups, the companies of the adherents united because of Joyful, benevolent, solidary Participation in a common cause, employment(occupation), on To idea of disinterested aid and mutual assistance.

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