Thursday, October 11, 2007

Tell On Conscience: How Many There A Primary

Tell on conscience: how many There a primary solar energy? As to chemistry - it is a lot of. As to Natural product - painfully a little. Let's take an egg. The hen on rural street here goes, pecks to itself kernels, Lives with the master a normal matrimonial life and as a result Gives out to us eggs - the materialized clots of a solar energy. Now Let's compare it with products. In premises(rooms) practically is not present Sunlight - only artificial; to hens give dead mixed fodders and Chemical hormones for acceleration of growth of a body. Cocks for similar hens- Only the dreamboat, and their instinctive superfluous melancholy is transferred(transmitted) and It is coded in that egg which we exceedingly successfully eat. And that refers to and it refers to . But in fact it is absolutely different products, precisely Just as honey natural which put(rendered) is essentially different Bees from meadows, either from a linden, or with , and that its(his) imitation on sugar, Which is sold to us by unscrupulous speculators.

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