Monday, November 26, 2007

Exactly At Nineteen O'clock You Accept The First

Exactly at nineteen o'clock you accept The first portion of an olive oil - three table spoons - and wash down its(her) with one The table spoon of a lemon juice. So will proceed until you You will not drink all oil(butter) up to the end, and with last doze of this oil(butter) also up to The end will drink all remained lemon juice. After that, all time laying on The right to a side, on the hot hot-water bottle which is warming up your liver, you everyone Fifteen minutes - about one second precisely - accept a following doze: oil(butter) plus Lemon juice. So will proceed until you will not drink all Oil(Butter) up to the end, and with last doze of this oil(butter) you as up to the end will drink All remained lemon juice. After that you lay and wait, that with you will be. It is necessary to tell also, That you in advance should prepare for a pot to see, that surprising You will leave. And here after a while - can be, in an hour, can To be, through two, maybe, in eight-nine hours (at one my friend And in Twenty one hour!) - channels of a liver will start to reveal, and it(she) Will begin to extort vigorously from itself all that monstrous earth flow, Which will fall in your pot.

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