Saturday, November 17, 2007

The Giant In Weight In Ton, In Height

The giant in weight in ton, In height in fourteen meters and thickness of a trunk in the meter maintaining Sandy storms, to heat, perishes from reviver. And The person, in the grounds, is capable To flourish everywhere, on all planet. Hence, individual approaches to a feed(meal) can be certain Patrimonial distinctions of mankind. But they can be certain as well Rhythmic, is more exact biorhythmic, features of the person. To me already It was possible to concern(touch) themes of "owls" and "larks", that is those who It is efficient mainly in the evening or mainly in the morning. It is asked: whether is capital nonsense the system of imposing on The people living under so different schedules of activity, the same rigid Dogmas: " a breakfast eat itself, a dinner have undressed(undresse) with the friend, a supper give the enemy? " This declaration is fraught with rough handicapes for health, and those who it(her) Will reject, will be right. But, maybe, it is meaningful to go further away and, Listening only to the organism to break(disturb) strict ostensibly For consumption of food and after eight one o'clock in the evening? Anticipating questions, I dare to tell about myself the following: being "lark", I give morning time to as much as possible active work, and it means, that all Blood should serve since morning first of all either a brain, or muscles, but in Which case not a stomach (if it(him) to overflow with food and to distract significant Part of forces of an organism on it(him)).

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