Friday, December 7, 2007

Their Presence Characterizes Teeth Of The Person, The

Their presence characterizes Teeth of the person, the maximum(supreme) primates, the majority of monkeys and as it will seem Strange, even a bear. It means, that during evolution the Nature Has prepared us for much wider scale of opportunities, than predators and . It(she) has provided for the person of an opportunity of pantophagy, that The design of a teeth and , and also complex opportunities confirms Our gastroenteric system. This(thus) historically fixed Universality also assumes an opportunity of an individual approach to everyone Separately taken human individual to the feed(meal), that opportunity, which Wolves, on the one hand, are deprived a sheep - with another: they are within the limits of Enough a narrow spectrum of the abilities released(let off) by it(him). Individual displays of the person are practically boundless. Here Question: as it is possible to not understand distinctions in a feed(meal) between eskimos, with one The parties(sides), and, say, arabs - with another? On conditions of a life meat for Inhabitants of the Far North was and there is a basic source of fibers, fats, Carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral salts.

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