Monday, February 11, 2008

It(she) Is Sated(saturated) By Salts Of Iodine, ,

It(she) is sated(saturated) by salts of iodine, , sodium, phosphorus, bromine, iron, Magnesium, contains vitamins of group A, B and C in a greater degree, than apricots. It(She) contains a set of that rare carbohydrates which should connect and To deduce(remove) away the heavy metals getting in a human body, in that Number and radioactive substances, for example strontium. Alongside with it(this) action it(she) as we already understand, by virtue of Abundance in it(her) rough is a fine regulator of all functions Intestines and an active feed(meal) for bacteria of our microflora. Absence in It(Her) of fats, amazing , an opportunity to participate in Set of other dishes without the conflict to them - whether it is not enough of it(this) for attraction Our sincere sympathies to it(her), as, under certificates of people, On a regular basis consuming it(her), it(she) noticeably improves memory! And it is no wonder, for It(She) possesses strong antisclerous influence. Soya: the supplier of most ideal of all vegetative fibers, on the to structure of a meat not differing almost from fiber, eggs, milk, But differing them easier(lighter) splitting in an organism.

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