Friday, February 29, 2008

What Means Polar? I Shall Be Concrete. Try(taste),

What means polar? I shall be concrete. Try(taste), The dear reader to imagine, for example, the big leaf(sheet) of salad on a background Solar stream. You will see shone fine greens, you will see all this carved leaf also try to remember, whether it is easily this The image is kept in your memory, in your imagination. Now try to imagine a bright red tulip. Turn Attention to each of its(his) juicy petals which have ripened so, that they Even have gone(send) longitudinal thin cracks, glance inside this flower, Consider(Examine) its(his) pestle and stamens and all time feel, aspire to see and To feel this sated(saturated) red tone. And now compare, that was to you It is easier to present: the leaf(sheet) of salad shone on the sun, or this is dark(darkly)-scarlet Flower? If salad it , that you are to a certain extent tired, that Your mentality and then try(taste) for your restoration Balance slowly and easy, within several minutes not letting out(not releasing) from Zones of attention to trace in imagination a petal behind a petal this tulip, Turning it(him) gradually.

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