Wednesday, June 4, 2008

What It Were For Antistressful Principles? First, The

What it were for antistressful principles? First, the use for drink exclusively thawed snow. I shall not become on It(This) to stop in detail as about water already there was a detailed conversation. I shall tell only, that that energy which I would receive from meal, in significant To degree it was delivered me by water. Secondly, as a remarkable power source served for me Regular daily jogs not less than for forty-fifty minutes, in Which time I was literally typed, sated(collected, sated,typed, saturated,collected, saturated) with energy of trees, clouds, Ponds by which ran, a wind power. I understand, that I mention(touch) greater(big) Cardinal theme of power additional charges which it is capable to carry out The person on the structure of the organism, however, as well as overwhelming The majority of all alive on the Earth, also I shall try to express on this theme More definitely, maybe, having devoted to it(her) in view of importance of a problem and special Work. Thirdly, according to practice both , and , I afforded for That water was more pleasant on taste and is better promoted(assisted) deducing(removing) Poisons from an organism, on one and a half-two its(her) litre (it approximately a daily doze Drink) to squeeze out a quarter or third of lemon and to add in a glass a little Drops mints and also on a glass hardly waters some drops Honey.

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