Friday, August 8, 2008

Further, The Truth, Already On A Society Depends,

Further, the truth, Already on a society depends, whether it begins to struggle with similar and Diligently to reduce its(his) heretical life, or uses it(him) The uncommon potential, and in that case its(his) mighty intelligence is The serious guarantor of its(his) health-th blessing to its(his) people and all mankind. The important practical aspect of the law of increase in all our vital forces Through constant congestion of a brain the judgement about basic is those pensioners who believe as if their old age is only Object of care of other people and societies as a whole. On the contrary, it is necessary to expand Circle of the duties and obligations before by itself and a society, before Close and distant people. Grandmothers, which in the name of the pleasure and Rest refuse work to foster the grandsons and to help(assist) children, Lose it is much more, than their children, - they prematurely grow old, for from a life not only difficulties, but also the highest pleasure, Which can be, - dialogue with young showers(souls).

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