Tuesday, August 12, 2008

It(he) Can Every Day To Clean A Teeth,

It(he) can Every day to clean a teeth, to wash a neck, but it(he) is polluted from within, and it Internal all becomes heavier than its(his) organism and more densely with Each year. And already further business especially individual at whom what will be Consequences from this "dirt" at whom that will turn out. One falls ill , another becomes , the third will be allergies and . . To put it briefly, at whom that is weaker, that and will be ill with that. I repeat: Illness number of one mankind is the general(common) internal Human body. Here we (me and my "collective farm") had to collide(face) with a case, Which has simply amazed(struck) us. When we became known enough, to us have begun To address for the help in heavy or in very heavy cases. Here once The woman of average years has visited(attended) us - speaks, that doctors promised its(her) daughter already In a week a lethal outcome. Cries. We come to it(her) home, we look. A daughter, As hardly dismissed , a gentle beauty of seventeen years.

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