Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Wish To Drink - Drink Apple Juice, Wish

Wish to drink - drink apple juice, wish to eat - drink Apple juice. The important note: this apple juice at you will be not purchased, Not preserved(tinned) at the factories, containing different sorts chemical Additives, but pressed by you with own hand from apples, concerning which You have a confidence of their protogenic cleanliness. Next day - the same mode. In the morning , within day- Joyful consumption of apple juice. If at the person some with Acidity in a stomach it is better to squeeze out juice of sweet apples. I repeat, you Drink apple juice, instead of eat apple . The third day of this diet: since morning again and till nineteen o'clock- Apple juice. What for this time at you should be prepared? A sofa, on which You will lay, a greater(big) hot-water bottle with hot water which you will adhere to To liver a long towel, and under a hot-water bottle enclose(lay) small . At You will be the available wine-glass on which you a line in advance will note volume of three Table spoons of an olive oil, and you will warm up this olive oil Approximately degrees up to thirty five.

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