Friday, October 31, 2008

Biologically Active Substances In Plants Cause Their Original

Biologically active substances in plants Cause their original taste and aroma, which curative value while It is still insufficiently opened. As to , it(she) - not empty Ballast, and, on the contrary, the most valuable element of a feed(meal). Owing to greater juiciness The vegetative food satisfies thirst, interferes with adiposity, normalizes ????�??�-alkaline balance. Let's make fluent, absolutely any review of that contains in " Our external " also that, certainly, should become " our internal ". Here the cabbage, a vegetable accessible to all, capable to grow Even behind Polar circle and possessing remarkable, up to hundred tons from hectare, Productivity. Yes, certainly, other kinds of cabbage bring additional Shades in treasures of a cabbage empire, but we shall address, however, to most Known and habitual for us to a product. What does it(he) give us? Remarkable Quantity(Amount) of vitamin C first of all. It is curious, that vitamin C in the person Updatings arises at cabbage, and not only arises, but also Increases in it(her) in comparison with its(her) fresh kind! About what avitaminosis, about What ageing (vitamin C - one of the most effective antioxidants) can To go speech, so far as we consume a sauerkraut? Opportunities of this remarkable vegetable induce me, a little Having broken(disturbed) logic of a narration to address here to fundamental To opening of academician A.

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