Saturday, October 4, 2008

I For A Long Time It Was Convinced

I for a long time It was convinced of that the more you adjoin to the present(true) life, the It is more in you most than this life ". Its(His) surprising interview comes to an end with words: " So a life only Begins!. " To train the brain constant loadings and riches of emotions Follows since young years. Our well-known physicist, academician Peter Leonidovich Kapitsa, has put forward the formula of " creative disobedience ". If the person searches new Also it does not wish to be reconciled with routine for it(she) does not satisfy it(him) it is clear, that Disobedience is one of the radical properties shown in the person, looking And creating new in a science, art, the literature and philosophy. " The basic The stimulus of any creativity is a discontent existing. The observer It is dissatisfied with existing processes and thinks out new, the scientist is dissatisfied Existing terms also searches more perfect(absolute), etc. ", it(he) wrote. With. To Khruschev in April, 1954 Hence, than more abruptly scope of contradictions, with With which the scientist, the writer, the artist, the inventor, that above collides(faces) The schedule of its(his) creative activity, by that above its(his) activity is raised, Vigorous spirit of its(his) intellectual and emotional system.

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