Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Second Group Are A Carbohydrates, Different Kinds

The second group are a carbohydrates, different Kinds of sugar and starch which are digested mainly alkalis, Allocated salivary . The third group are those alive, mainly Phytogenesis products which comprise simultaneously and Nutrients, and enzymes for their splitting. So, a melon and an apple - independent dishes. In a combination to others Products it(she) can ferment in a stomach; used Independently, they give also a fine power feed(meal), and promote Active, purposeful, to necessary clearing of intestines. Very simply, without special complexities and detailed tables, which already Exist, it is possible to imagine the scheme(plan) of a combination of products. In left To column we shall place all albuminous products. In right - carbohydrates. In the middle Between them we shall place greens. Further all is very evident: extreme columns Are perfectly combined with average, but essentially "are not friends" among themselves. Here and all, as a matter of fact, knowledge. Subtleties Further begin, Which should be studied(investigated) already at that stage when we have organized the A feed(meal) is rational basically, when our health sharply and evidently Has improved.

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