Tuesday, January 20, 2009

No, Knowledge, Development Of New Knowledge And Skills

No, knowledge, development of new knowledge and Skills is process infinite. And for this reason I ask the reader Sharply to pass in essentially new plan of measurements - in the name of and our The future perfection. So, all three huge whales were obediently transformed in ours Imagination in small-small dense , in faultlessly strong Heart (which can be those, I remind, only at unconditional Execution(Performance) of all precepts: spirituality, constant power additional charging and Pure(Clean) organism). So at what here all the same heart also that this means Metaphor with ? First I shall explain shortly, and then more vastly. It is a question of heart first of all, by my experience and experience of mine Pupils and associates, purposeful meditations of all levels pass(take place) (and can be, ) is more successful at powerful and it is long Working heart (that is during movement), than in a condition of rest. Quality of movement as bases the school offered here spiritual differs Influences on the validity from many other schools, methods and techniques, Applied in the world.

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