Friday, January 9, 2009

Once My Pupil On Sambo-wrestling In Was The

Once My pupil on sambo-wrestling in was the student from Yakutia Vasily Rumyantsev. This The young man has learned so to carry out exercises color Adjustments, that at this time it was possible to drop it(him) on a carpet when it(he) sat Having concentrated, and it(he), laying on one side, continued as though in meditation To fulfil the exercise appointed(nominated) to it(him). But when it(he) rose and left on Fight, its(his) reaction was twice, three times more quickly, than at the most trained Its(His) contenders! So, for example, all knew, that will be To do(make) the favourite throw " a forward footstep from a knee ", and carefully Prepared for counter-measures, but practically anybody and had never time to notice The beginnings of reception and in a small share of second it appeared laying on a carpet. Owing to Fast reaction found by it(him) it is fast enough in student's years Has reached a rank of the master of sports, with success acted on all-Union arena. Here so business(affairs) with a problem not enclosed and unsigned in brief are Envelopes in inquiries in occasion of the health.

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