Thursday, January 29, 2009

Surplus Of Fat Acids In Blood Brakes Liberation

Surplus of fat acids in blood brakes liberation of energy from glucose, Promoting its(her) transformation into new superfluous quantities(amounts) of fat. It would seem, consumption of the skim products is the great blessing for The person, for from the point of view of chemistry necessary for a healthy organism The quantity(amount) of fat makes approximately 1-1,5 grams on kg of weight of the person And, hence, daily need(requirement) for fat at the person with weight of a body 70 Kgs approximately 70-105 grams a day (and with increase in age Consumption of fats and in general should decrease). Nevertheless to departments More favourably and to sell to us the sausages consisting almost from 100 % of fat, Milk with immensely lifted level of fat content, the pork consisting almost On 3/4 from lard. About, a civilization! The theme rich, is more exact than superfluous consumption of fats is only a superfluous feed(meal) in general. Already some times on a course of a statement I Mentioned that people who eat alive food, can manage rather Its(Her) small quantities(amounts), unusual and even indecent for those who on To the standard installation considers(counts) as satiety weight of a overflown belly, Who piously follows sciences about caloric content.

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