Monday, March 2, 2009

It Would Be Desirable To Trust, That The

It would be desirable to trust, That the book will generate much practically useful judgements, advice(councils), remarks, Offers which then will return to readers, to all those who is active Wishes health not only, but also other people. " Do not cook the lamb in milk of its(his) mother " or For what it is necessary separate A feed(meal) Now, when we confidently enough know, that it is necessary to eat and that is necessary To drink, naturally to pass to a theme not less important, but, alas, almost Obscure: as it is necessary to eat and as it is necessary to drink. As a matter of fact, polemic if it(she) can so be named, lasts already In the millenia. On the one hand, " That in a mouth has climbed, and it is useful " - so The ancient maxim of our ancestors sounds. But with another - in the Old testament It has been told: " do not cook the lamb in milk of its(his) mother ", or, otherwise, not Mix in a uniform dish so different food substances, as meat and milk. And now opposition is not less obvious: a cohort great the Practical achievements approves(confirms) what to eat it is necessary in The maximal conformity with those objective laws, from which Indefatigable laborious activity our gastroenteric proceeds Path.

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