Friday, April 10, 2009

My Father Was The Militarian. Often Changed A

My father was the militarian. Often changed a residence. Schools everyone were Peripheral; musicians, singing-masters there and in a mine were not. To To twelve years I already with might and main "" on a bayan. Heightened interest to mine To the person from adults flattered me. To live it was interesting. Very much liked to read: fairy tales, a fantasy, about a miracle-bogatyrs and other Such. Casually, on , has undertaken casually got assemblies Chekhov's compositions, yes -. I remember, how has strongly amazed(struck) mine Imagination " Russia primary ", - the author has forgotten. I would like to become strong, clever, elegant. In the sixth class I became secretly that nobody saw, to run early in the morning Yes to be tightened on a crossbeam. All this, certainly, became property Publicity; adults have flattered me, and I have stopped jogs. Has got In dumbbells - began to be engaged at home. Since then in general with breaks on Illness yes on binges by gymnastics all time also I am engaged.

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