Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I Shall Remind About Met In The Beginning

I shall remind about met in the beginning of this book the first of firm Postulates of eternal health, we have visited(attended) the Earth Aliens and deciphered by A.Maslennikov: " Our external should become Our internal ". That is that grows around of us that makes The environment of our dwelling, should be a part, structure of our organism, Should, to become(begin) it(him). On inspections of the Soviet gerontologists, from forty thousand the person, Stepped for a seventy-year boundary, 84 % were vegetarians. Proceeding from That, by rough calculations, on the average on the country on one The vegetarian one thousand the person, consuming meat food is necessary, possible To draw a conclusion, that at vegetarians in 80 times more chances to become(begin) Long-livers, than at . If to trust which approved(confirmed), That the food should serve people as a medicine, - and it(he) is absolutely right,- That is necessary to increase in our diet a share of vegetative food, and before In total crude for it(she) contains vitamins necessary for our organism, Mineral substances, including microcells, organic acids, The nonsaturated fat acids opened recently " new vitamins "- and many other things.

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