Saturday, May 19, 2007

All, Absolutely All In Our Natural Device Is

All, Absolutely all in our natural device is adapted to accept Space vibrations. conceiving anatomists consider(examine) ours Greater(Big) bones and bones of a shin exclusively from the point of view of ; what the design - is capable to sustain loading in longitudinal Direction up to 1200 kg! But, maybe, it is meaningful to look at these bones in Their diameter and how on extremely complex(difficult) devices of type of aerials? And if So, they accept what signals, on what frequencies work? And if so, That, maybe, harmfully to block deathly deaf(indistinct) synthetics of receipt To them of the signals sent by it(him) Nature? And we shall peer- into a lobby Part of a skull: unless its(his) design frankly does not remind us with all The cavities and chambers not which forward part extremely complex(difficult) The radar-tracking aerial? Kohl soon it so, which waves this The aerial is capable to accept? And to transfer(transmit)? But unless only our bone fabrics Are capable to play a role of compilers or receivers, unless numerous Vessels and liquid systems of our organism are not some kind of The oscillatory contours, capable to perceive The information from the world surrounding us? (and, hence, than more purely(cleanly) they, than Their condition, the richer scale of received signals, the is better more authentically The information, but here I, however, a little bit prematurely appeal to the competence The third whale).

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