Saturday, May 19, 2007

When Chairman Of The American Public Organization "

When chairman of the American public organization " Runners of the world " Dan Dryu has arrived to Moscow for participation in the International marathon of the world, In the beginning it(he) shared the concrete techniques, judgements about system Trainings. It(he) friendly specified, for example, that for running at the beginning The distance, but only time of run is important not: thirty minutes - it is good, sixty - Perfectly. It(he) has shared curious data that in America now It is not fashionable, as it was in recent times, to gather for dialogue in houses- To sit-chat behind a cup of coffee or tea, - but more and more affirms such Way of dialogue with friends, as walk in rate or run, or sports Walkings. And many other things was told by it(him), in particular, that in the USA on starts Various marathons in a year there is approximately 180 thousand person. But then in conversation with correspondents of " the Soviet sports " this the doctor, the father of the big family from small town Jasper in staff(state) Indiana, has told the main thing: it(he) has informed, that the society " Runners of the world " pursues First of all the humanitarian purposes, that its(his) members became fighters for the world and Disarmament.

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