Sunday, June 3, 2007

. Immediately Also It Is Started This Major Theme.

. Immediately also it is started this major theme. Here a bright example. It is known, that all people share on so-called Larks, owls and pigeons. Larks, as a rule, work in the morning is better, Owls - in the evening, and pigeons - in the afternoon. It is asked, whether it is reasonable biologically To the generated lark to rise from bed somewhere at midday and to work Above the manuscript late at night, till the night? I think, that in the statement This question the answer to it(him) disappears also. At the same time skill To use the features it is extremely fertile for the person. I I recollect the postgraduate head, professor Vasily Alekseevicha which of each calendar day found three various Workers of day. Here its(his) mode: with 6 till 12 mornings it(he) with a fresh mind worked above The most difficult problems, above the manuscripts demanding greatest Pressure(Voltage). Further, with 12 up to 14, it(he) had a rest, had breakfast, made small Walk, and from 14 o'clock till 18 o'clock at it(him) the second working day last, Characterized by other type of loading: it was reading of the scientific literature, Postgraduate works, the periodical presses, answers to numerous letters.

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