Friday, June 8, 2007

To To The End Of A Supermarathon They

To To the end of a supermarathon they have lost in weight on five-six kgs, that It is quite natural, for their organism should spend huge efforts not Only on moving to space, but also on chemical splitting Extreme weights of food, which pretty often as eyewitnesses testify This run so up to the end to digest and could not. Ran without any top dressing, and having finished(stopped) day time run, with pleasure Went on cheerful and by the end of a route have added on one-two Kg. By the way, A.Chuprun writes, that the scientists who have undertaken research peep Papuans, have been amazed(struck): it(she) does not provide even albuminous balance, not Speaking already about surplus of fiber, that is the Papuan consumes with food of 20-30 grams Fiber, spending in one and a half time it is more! believes, that necessary Papuans receive fiber owing to the bacteria living in their intestines, which Are capable to fix the nitrogen of air dissolved in digestive juices, and To develop(produce) from it(him) fiber.

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