Monday, August 6, 2007

As A Teeth Are Very Seriously, I Would

As a teeth are very seriously, I would like to concern(touch) slightly and Such moment, as hygiene of seals and . I had to collide(face) somehow With a case of hospitalization of the person with a heat, with all Attributes of a poisoning and - full uncertainty of a source of a poisoning. Careful has shown, that accumulation of dangerous poisons and their emission In an organism occured(happened) because of a tooth, not submitted any painful Signals in view of full and old death. I shall not speak now about Quality of work of that "expert" which has put in pawn in a mouth to the patient Fatally dangerous weapon of the slowed down action, I shall emphasize the main thing: ours The constant attention to sanitation of a mouth is preventive maintenance of set Diseases both all digestive path, and all others internal Bodies. When we address necessarily to clearing intestines, We appear before enough complex(difficult) dilemma. The contradiction consists in Volume, that, on the one hand, , hardened, centuries-old blockages, Disgusting , covering from within gentle fabrics our thick The intestines, interfering its(his) normal ability to live almost on 99 %, cannot be removed differently, than by means of powerful and repeated Washings.

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