Saturday, December 15, 2007

. And If Could Not Expect Mother Nature These(thus)

. And If could not expect Mother Nature these(thus) and others similar to them abnormal in behaviour of the mad child so whence to it(her) was To provide systems of self-cleaning for the owner similar Self-destructive - has not told almost "consciousnesses", is not present - disease of feelings And reason? Pollution of the internal environment of the person by the substances getting in Organism with food, medicines, water and air, with a course of history considerably Increases. Since times the medicine was engaged in addition and (addition missing and superfluous). Now a problem(task) constantly becomes complicated. At the beginning were sufficient such Means of deducing(removing) of a dirt and poisons from an organism, as washing of a stomach and Thin intestines, as application emetic, laxative and Means. Till XVII century popular was and . In XX century medicine It has been compelled(forced) to enter into a clinical practice and an artificial kidney. But that To do(make) to medicine now, if, according to the American organization under the control For medicinal and foodstuff, the number of harmful substances reaches(achieves) Nowadays sixty - eighty thousand? And to it(this) it is necessary to add still Growing danger of accumulation in an organism the person terrible radioactive Elements.

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