Sunday, December 9, 2007

Even Small Shortage Of Vitamin D Conducts To

Even Small shortage of vitamin D conducts to weakness of muscles and , to downturn The general(common) tone of an organism, to infringements of activity of heart, a liver, kidneys, Other important bodies and systems. Lack of dispatching vitamin D and, Hence, irregular submission of calcium affects and that begin To spoil a teeth, fragile there are nails, hair thin. If from mineral Depot which heads of tubular bones are, on disturbing signals " with Places " calcium constantly gets, but does not act there again, joints Begin , to swell and expand due to escalating others The elements delivered on construction of bones. Amazingly thus, that food stuffs, including such, Which initially contain a greater(big) doze of vitamin D, for example a liver of a cod Either the Atlantic herring, or sprats, cannot compensate its(his) lack in Organism if there was no corresponding(meeting) ultra-violet irradiation. More 90 % to an organism of vitamin are synthesized in our leather(skin) only under Influence , and observed attempts to compensate avitaminosis D Products, it is superfluous this vitamin, have led only To adjournment of calcium in those bodies where it(him) is better to not be besieged.

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