Friday, October 24, 2008

A.Burevoj, A Selfless Life To Which I With Love

A.Burevoj, a selfless life To which I with love have devoted the greater(big) story " New ". I shall be To start with experience and others , and also from fine results, Reached(Achieved) in Army medical college in St.-Petersburg. I shall proceed, At last, from that already considerable experience which is saved up(collected) by me and my friends. For the beginning I shall tell, that I repeatedly had to collide(face) with Furious and categorical refutations from doctors in occasion of Presence of any other stones in channels of a liver, besides . Really, stones, which approximately in 4 % of cases from Total of these stones, according to the Medical encyclopedia, are In a liver, can be taken from it(her) only operative by. But It is asked, what for to subject to resections of 96 % , . . Practically all mankind, so far as liberation from them can To be made so-called conservative by, i.e. without intervention Knife, not on an operational table? When for the first time I could pass(take place) clearing of a liver at Tatyana and it(she) has combined left of me green and brown Stones- in mayonnaise to bank (they have filled it(her) more than half), I Has gone to the academic polyclinic on island Vasilevym in Leningrad, Where then was on service, and has asked a question to doctors, Supervised my health: - What is such? - we do not know, - there was a direct and fair answer.

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