Friday, October 24, 2008

If Still(even) To Add, That In Cabbage It

If still(even) to add, that in cabbage it is a lot of the enzymes adjusting(regulating) an exchange Fats, that in it(her) practically are not present some starch and not a lot of fructose becomes Clear, that is a product to which the prices are not present for diabetics. The cabbage contains , and we already spoke about them in connection with a problem of ordering The information processes going in an organism. And unless it is little significant, that caloric content of cabbage at all it(her) biologically Active properties it is extremely small? It means, that people with excess weight With its(her) help quickly enough can find grace necessary for them and beauty Figures. Whether also it is possible to bypass and such question, as salutary properties of leaves The cabbage, capable to heal external ulcers, wounds, bruises, , pains at joints and crises, at burns and ? As they say, etc., and . Item Certainly, not the smaller right to a similar greater(big) poem in prose have and Apples.

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