Sunday, November 30, 2008

When It(him) In A Feed(meal) Added Coffee, Poor

When it(him) in A feed(meal) added coffee, poor animals it is even more to To alcohol. So, abusing the refined carbohydrates, sugar, white Bread, rolls, sweets and . The item leads to sharp fluctuation of a level Sugar in blood, causes functional . This broken(disturbed) The metabolism creates biological need(requirement) for alcohol. Pathological The metabolism of sugar can decay for many years, before a fire Will flash in shape of an alcoholism. It occurs(happens) from too plenty Insulin which is allocated with a pancreas in reply to fast rise Quantities(Amounts) of the sugar circulating in blood. The caffeine containing in coffee, Chocolate, drinks of type of coca-cola, alongside with nicotine also promotes To development functional . As a result, on American data, In the USA it has been registered about 100 million the persons(faces) inclined to an alcoholism. Their treatment basically was based on medicines, on psychological Suggestion, even on an electroshock, but in fact to eliminate(erase,remove) it is necessary first of all The reasons, instead of consequences(investigations)! To include a strong-willed impulse and to cause at The decision to stop to drink, it is necessary to change the alcoholic first of all chemical The balance of an organism, and is not so much medicines, how many by means of Normal diet.

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