Saturday, December 6, 2008

As Have Revealed Researches Of The Healthy Feed(meal)

As have revealed researches of the healthy feed(meal) possessing curing Mentality influence, within day there are more 10 % of the calories consumed The person, can be "empty". It means, that 90 % of consumed calories Should enter into an organism as alive, natural, not processed chemical In the way products and then at sick people bent for to consumption will decrease Alcohol. I hope, the reader still remembers the diet which has allowed group With. to keep forces, and the main thing, sincere vivacity in extreme Circumstances! And now compare it(him) to recommendations of those foreign Experts in narcology who aspire to prevent illness or to cure mental Deviations(Rejections) at the person. In their fair opinion, basic products, Containing active substances in greater(big) dozes, are: honey, citrus, Cranberry, cowberry, apples, especially , sea-buckthorn berries, a sauerkraut, Fresh and dry greens, onions(bow) and garlic. The sea kale contains 39 Microcells. Flower pollen represents the whole pantry Vitamins, microcells and amino acids also it is used as additional Means in psychiatry, at .

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