Sunday, December 14, 2008

Also Ate Alive Food On Rational, Really To

also ate alive food on rational, really To method natural to the person, represents small, unfortunately, Part of mankind. Other group which in this transition consumed in all that represents a subject of desire of any of inhabitants, Showed a collective portrait of an overwhelming part of mankind. These(it) Gourmets-cheerful persons (by what they are represented themselves, though as it appears, them Love to a life at all not mutual) have typed(collected) with itself everything that wanted: Meat and fish canned food, meat, cubes, canned food, Concentrate of a mashed potatoes, puddings chocolate and rice, albuminous, Cookies, cocoa, dry juices and is not enough dried apricots and walnuts - only To emphasize power of the high-calorific food rich Fibers, sugar, fat and salt. Total on the person it was necessary at them 4100 - it is a lot of kcals. Daily consumption of water on everyone The participant of this group was up to 10 litres. That concerned(touched) groups Experimental at it(her) caloric content did not exceed 1000 kcals in Day, and waters in day there drank(saw) women about 2 litres, men - up to 2,5 Litre, and not waters, and hot green tea.

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