Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sergeev But As Its(his) Book Is A Rare Book,

Sergeev but as its(his) book is a rare book, So far as theoretically messages have remained as a monument to a celebration so Named pure(clean) science which " on a tip of a feather " is capable to predict(forecast) That subsequently will be opened(open) is already direct in a practical life. (However, the schedule of A.Sergeeva is a little bit more complex(difficult) L.Y.Glybina's than schedule As, on its(his) data, it is necessary to speak about a uniform sheaf of rhythms on Extent not one, but each two day). However we shall leave in the party(side) scientific nuances and we be asked by a simple question: and That, as a matter of fact, concrete and useful gives us by way of ours Health schedule - ? First of all, if we want with The maximal accuracy to correspond(meet) to rhythms of own organism, we Should assign the maximal loadings to it(him) in, the period from 5 o'clock till 13 o'clock, When the EFFICIENCY of all without exception of systems of the person is highest, and to send It(Him) on rest to sleep off from 22 one o'clock in the evening till 5 mornings, that is to load it(him) Least when it(he) is least active.

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