Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Natural, That Is Corresponding(meeting) Laws Of The Nature,

Natural, that is corresponding(meeting) laws of the Nature, a feed(meal) Has allowed Leonid Sergeevichu to improve the health in good age up to a condition of blossoming young years. There is a question: in what image H.p. defined(determined) conformity Or discrepancy of a feed(meal) to this or that phase of the Moon or a season? I can To answer authentically for this Leonid Sergeevich has got acquainted with way, on To its(his) words, under the stenogram of my performance(statement) " Reserves and opportunities Human body " in the Tomsk academgorodok from September, 4th, 1985, Which as it has appeared, went on the Union, has got and to Kamensk. Having screwed up, I shall tell about this version of a biolocation there, where we with You, the reader, we begin to prepare the third whale and closely we shall attend Problems of a feed(meal). And that who will not want to read this book further or at whom Will not go food (happens and so, unfortunately), I would assume To wait an output(exit) of popular grants(manuals) on where it will be detailed It is painted, what products during what times of solar year most approach(suit) To our organism how to correlate to phases of the Moon the behaviour (including Intimate) and in what dependence on what standing planets stay internal Bodies.

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