Friday, March 14, 2008

And Points Such - More , And Everyone

And points such - more , and everyone lives not only on individual to daily allowances To the schedule, but also demands the day and month. I speak about it(this) not to emphasize obvious insufficiency Preparations of those our homebrew which receive the Diplomas after two months of employment(occupations) on short-term rates, and for that, That more and more time to emphasize, be however great achievements can in Areas of healing in the event that doctors will help(assist) an organism in Conformity with those real laws on which it(he) lives, entering the Actions in those concrete, really existing rhythms which define(determine) it(him) Ability to live. While actions of physicians can be compared not so much with Superneat, sniper shooting where the necessary effect is reached(achieved) all Only one shot from a rifle, with a mighty cannonade from tens The large-caliber trunks, brought down(collapsed) on the area in many hectares. Certainly, There is a chance to amaze(strike) the foe, but it is much more than chances to sweep into smithereens that, That any danger does not represent.

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