Monday, March 10, 2008

However, And Eclipses From Time To Time Appear

However, and eclipses from time to time appear Useful. However eclipses-holidays, thank God, are rare the same as are rare and Inoculations which are received by our children as the weakened(easied) infection that To develop(produce) their ability to resistance, and in the basis to us follows To adhere all the same to the general scheme(plan) of compatibility or incompatibility Products about which it is above already told. Whenever possible always, even on feasts, It is necessary to avoid, however, so widespread custom, as acceptance Sweet, tasty drink at once after meal. The matter is that sweet Liquids, is an independent meal which should be accepted not earlier than Through an hour after the basic meal, after all other forces of a stomach and Salivary have already been thrown on break and have executed everything, that from them It was required. Why? Yes therefore, first, that gastric juices of different type on Digestion peep, which has got in our stomach, was allocated so much And in such consistence, which and for its(her) splitting, Dissolution, digestion.

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