Friday, April 18, 2008

I Shall Allow To Offer A Little Basic,

I shall allow to offer a little basic, in my opinion, for different Systems of an organism. Perfectly realizing absence of the medical diploma, than I I can prove below-mentioned recommendations from positions legal and Universal? That, first, that in a significant part they Lean(Base) on repeatedly published worldwide The well-known doctors, for example, Norberta Walker, Peter Kurennova and a lot Others. Secondly, as the justification of their occurrence on people can serve extensive and Positive practice, kind effect in improvement of health rather significant Numbers of people, to me friends. Thirdly, that in necessary cases I I shall necessarily state warning positions. Certainly, they extremely Are important. So, for example, it was possible to me somehow in a circle of mine Comrades-adherents on movement of an amateur song in tent Camp near Kerch to act on problems of health where I have told and about the whole A number(line) . This lecture has been written down on many tens tape recorders, and Chain reaction of the subsequent rewriting practically in all corners has begun The countries.

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